Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lockdowns and School Shutdowns May Make Youngsters Sicker

Evidence is ample that stress and inactivity weaken immunity against Covid and other diseases

By Allysia Finley of The WSJ. Excerpts:

"A University of Wisconsin study assessed the effect of school closures and sports shutdowns on those of high-school age. It found the rate of mild to severe depression increased from 31% to 68% in May while physical activity (measured by the Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale) fell by half. In a study of primary-school-age children who were confined to homes in China’s Hubei province for an average of 34 days, almost 1 in 4 reported depressive symptoms. Scientists hypothesized this was a result of “the reduction of outdoor activities and social interaction.” Public-health officials have also warned that child abuse has increased during the lockdowns, though this is hard to prove: Fewer cases are detected and reported while schools are closed."

"A seminal 1991 study found that people who reported high levels of psychological stress were significantly more likely to become infected with common cold viruses after exposure. This was true even of those who had antibodies to the viruses. One reason is stress suppresses the “natural killer” and T-cells that are the immune system’s frontline of defense against viruses."

"A 2014 study in the Journal of Immunology compared the immune responses of 5-year-old children based on family stress levels. Kids from families with higher stress levels had a “suppressive immune response” and “a low spontaneous activity” of T-helper cells, which activate antibodies and other white blood cells."

"stress can impair a type of T-cell that helps keep the immune system in check and thus “might result in an exacerbation of inflammatory conditions such as an autoimmune condition.” Clinical physicians have observed that severely ill Covid-19 patients at first muster a lethargic T-cell response to the virus but then overreact with a “cytokine storm.” 

Studies have also suggested that childhood stress can lead to dysregulated immune responses and chronic diseases later in life."

"Adults who report higher levels of stress and loneliness produce fewer antibodies in response to flu vaccines."

"Covid-19 patients with psychiatric conditions—primarily anxiety and depression—were 2.3 times as likely to remain sick 14 to 21 days after testing positive for the virus."

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