Monday, April 30, 2018

Due to the tax overhaul top earners will pay a higher share of income taxes

Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax: Households with $150,000 or more in income make up 52% of total income nationally but pay large portion of total taxes by Laura Saunders of The WSJ.
"For 2018, households in the top 20% will have income of about $150,000 or more and 52% of total income, about the same as in 2017. But they will pay about 87% of income taxes, up from about 84% last year.

By contrast, the lower 60% of households, who have income up to about $86,000, receive about 27% of income. As a group, this tier will pay no net federal income tax in 2018 vs. 2% of it last year."

"Roughly one million households in the top 1% will pay for 43% of income tax, up from 38% in 2017. These filers earn above about $730,000."

"the share of taxes paid by the top 5% will rise despite the fact that people in it were the largest beneficiaries of the overhaul’s tax cut, both in dollars and percentages."

"The share of tax paid by the top 20% of Americans also changes when social-insurance levies are included. It drops to about 67% of federal taxes from roughly 87% of income taxes."

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