Evaluating the free market by comparing it to the alternatives (We don't need more regulations, We don't need more price controls, No Socialism in the courtroom, Hey, White House, leave us all alone)
"In view of the impending
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote to regulate the Internet
under Title II of the New Deal–era Communications Act, it is critical to
understand what these “net neutrality” rules will and will not do.
Columbia Business School professor Eli Noam says
net neutrality has “at least seven different related but distinctive
meanings….” The consensus is, however, that net neutrality is a
principle for how an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or wireless carrier
treats Internet traffic on “last mile” access — the connection between
an ISP and its customer. Purists believe net neutrality requires ISPs to
treat all last-mile Internet traffic the same. The FCC will not enforce
that radical notion because networks are becoming more “intelligent”
every year and, as a Cisco network engineer recently put it, equal treatment for all data packets “would be setting the industry back 20 years.”
because similar rules were twice struck down in federal court, the FCC
is crafting new net neutrality rules for ISPs and technology companies.
Many of these Title II provisions reined in the old Bell telephone
monopoly and are the most intrusive rules available to the FCC. The net
neutrality rules are garnering increased public scrutiny because they
will apply to one of the few bright spots in the US economy — the
technology and communications sector.
As with many complex concepts, there are many myths about net neutrality. Five of the most widespread ones are dispelled below.
Reality: Prioritization has been built into Internet protocols for years. MIT computer scientist and early Internet developer David Clark colorfully dismissed this first myth as “happy little bunny rabbit dreams,” and pointed out that “[t]he network is not neutral and never has been.” Experts such as tech entrepreneur and investor Mark Cuban and President Obama’s former chief technology officer Aneesh Chopra
have observed that the need for prioritization of some traffic
increases as Internet services grow more diverse. People speaking
face-to-face online with doctors through new telemedicine video
applications, for instance, should not be disrupted by once-a-day data
backups. ISPs and tech companies should be free to experiment with new
broadband services without time-consuming regulatory approval from the FCC. John Oliver, The Oatmeal, and net neutrality activists, therefore, are simply wrong about the nature of the Internet.
Reality: Even while lightly regulated, the Internet will remain open because consumers demand an open Internet. Recent Rasmussen polling
indicates the vast majority of Americans enjoy the open Internet they
currently receive and rate their Internet service as good or excellent.
(Only a small fraction, 5 percent, says their Internet quality is
“poor.”) It is in ISPs’ interest to provide high-quality Internet just
as it is in smartphone companies’ interest to provide great phones and
automakers’ interest to build reliable cars. Additionally, it is false
when high-profile scholars and activists say there is no “cop on the beat” overseeing Internet companies. As Federal Trade Commissioner Joshua Wright testified to Congress,
existing federal competition laws and consumer protection laws — and
strict penalties — protect Americans from harmful ISP behavior.
Reality: The FCC’s net neutrality rules are not an effective way to improve broadband competition. Net neutrality is a principle for ISP treatment of Internet traffic
on the “last mile” — the connection between an ISP and a consumer. The
principle says nothing about broadband competition and will not increase
the number of broadband choices for consumers. On the contrary, net
neutrality as a policy goal was created because many scholars did not
believe more broadband choices could ensure a “neutral” Internet.
Further, Supreme Court decisions lead scholars to conclude
that “as prescriptive regulation of a field waxes, antitrust
enforcement must wane.” Therefore, the FCC’s net neutrality rules would
actually impede antitrust agencies from protecting consumers.
Reality: Intelligent management of Internet traffic and prioritization provide useful services to consumers. Net neutrality proponents call
zero-rating — which is when carriers allow Internet services that don’t
subtract from a monthly data allotment — and similar practices
“dangerous,” “malignant,” and rights violations.
This hyperbole arises from dogma, not facts. The real-world use of
prioritization and zero-rating is encouraging and pro-consumer. Studies show
that zero-rated applications are used by millions of people around the
globe, including in the United States, and they are popular. In one
instance, poor South African high school students petitioned their
carriers for free — zero-rated — Wikipedia access because accessing
Wikipedia frequently for homework was expensive. Upon hearing the
students’ plight, Wikipedia and South African carriers happily obliged.
Net neutrality rules like Title II would prohibit popular services like
zero-rating and intelligent network management that makes more services
First, the FCC’s rules will make broadband more expensive, not cheaper.
The rules regulate Internet companies much like telephone companies and
therefore federal and state telephone fees will apply to Internet
bills. According to preliminary estimates, millions of Americans
will drop or never subscribe to an Internet connection because of these
price hikes. Second, the FCC’s rules will not make Netflix and webpages
faster. The FCC rules do not require ISPs to increase the capacity or
speed of customers’ connections. Capacity upgrades require competition
and ISP investment, which may be harmed by the FCC’s onerous new rules.
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