Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Funny How the UAW Never Loses Fair and Square

What happened to respecting the vote and not questioning election results?

Letter to The WSJ.

"The United Auto Workers is making a significant push to unionize southern auto plants. It was successful at the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tenn., and unsuccessful at two Mercedes-Benz plants in Alabama (“The Workers Win in Alabama,” Review & Outlook, May 20).

In Alabama, the UAW is filing an objection to the Mercedes-Benz unionization vote that was soundly defeated, 56% to 44%, with 90% turnout. What happened to respecting the vote and not questioning election results? You don’t see anyone challenging the results in Chattanooga, where the UAW won.

One can surmise only that it is agreeable to overturn a vote when the union loses, citing unfair labor practices. How dare Mercedes-Benz discuss the consequences of unionization and present workers with all the information before they cast their votes? On the contrary, I thought hearing both sides of an issue made for better decision-making. So does a private ballot, where only each worker knows how he voted. Other methods, like card-check, lead to intimidation tactics by the UAW.

Mark Janus

Liberty Justice Center

Punta Gorda, Fla."

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