Monday, November 29, 2021

Asian women out-earned white men in six of the last nine quarters

From Mark Perry.

[the chart below] "shows the narrative-destabilizing labor market reality that according to BLS data (here and here) Asian women out-earned white men in six of the last nine quarters. For the most recent quarter (2021:Q3), Asian women earned 9.1% (and $102) more per week than white men. How to explain this gender earnings gap favoring Asian women? Gender discrimination and male privilege are always the “go-to” explanations for any gender earnings gap favoring men, so perhaps there’s discrimination in the labor market against white men in favor of Asian women? And when there are white-black earnings gaps that favor whites, we often hear that “white privilege” is the reason, so perhaps “Asian privilege” is a factor in the labor market especially because it’s also true that Asian men out-earn white men.

Related: The REAL reason women earn less at work: Harvard professor says sex discrimination, gender bias or a glass ceiling aren’t to blame – it’s ‘greedy’ jobs that are impossible to sustain once women have children

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