Thursday, December 4, 2014

I Don't Care How Much You Care Until I Know How Much You Know

People have tweeted this quote "I Don't Care How Much You Know Until I know How Much You Care."

I guess that means that compassion is more important than knowledge. There is no way to prove that.

Animals may have compassion for each other (maybe their offspring). But what separates us from animals is our intellect.

So I think knowledge might be more important than compassion. Many well-meaning or compassionate people want to have minimum wage laws or rent control and they don't have enough knowledge to know the unwanted and unintended side effects those policies cause. Compassion without knowledge is dangerous.

I recall a quote from Marilyn Vos Savant: "the head should lead to make it safe for the heart to follow." That implies that knowledge is more important than compassion. I can't find it on the internet, though.

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